Health A to Z
Find helpful advice and information on a wide range of medical conditions.
Annual health check – information for parents
This factsheet is for parents of a child or young person with a learning disability. It has information on GP learning disability registers and annual health checks, why they are important and how you can support your child or young person to access the services they are entitled to
Care for a person with dementia
If you are the main person supporting someone with dementia, this guide is for you. It will tell you more about their condition and how it can affect them over time.
Managing your Diabetes – 15 healthcare essentials
If you have diabetes you should receive a series of tests each year to show how you’re managing it. You should also be able to access extra care and support if you need to. We call this package of care the 15 Healthcare Essentials.
Annual health checks easy read – learning disabilities
This easy-read leaflet tells you what a health check is, how to get a health check & how to find out more information about health checks.
Children’s Health Matters
We know it’s worrying when your child is unwell. Fortunately, you can treat many illnesses at home with expert advice from our Children’s Health Matters guide.
You can also sign up for our family health and wellbeing newsletter to get the latest information on services and tools to support family health and wellbeing in Essex.
My Health Matters
Information to help you take control of your health and wellbeing.
The Dementia Guide
Have you recently been diagnosed with dementia? This guide has lots of tips and advice to help you live well with dementia and keeping doing the activities that you enjoy.